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The Open Gaarden App is Live!

The Open Gaarden app is now available for downloading on your iPhone or android! Open Gaarden (Danish for “gärden”) brings together the past, present, and potential future of your city into one visual platform. All around us, gardens, farms, orchards, native plants–plant life in all its incredible abundance–shape our homes, our communities, our city, and …

Digital Coffee Orchard Planting Event!

Dig Lib Arts and the SUrF lab collaborated with Cal Poly Pomona, Murray Farms, and the entire campus community to plant the digital coffee orchard on 5/23.     Featuring 16 varietals of ultra premium coffee, the orchard will be a “microchip plot.” Each plant will be geo-tagged to monitor their growth. This information will …

Digital Environmental History at Whittier

Digital Environmental History at Whittier!     Jan term at Whittier provides unique intensive teaching and learning opportunities. This January, students enrolled in Professor Zappia’s “North American Environmental History” course took part in several experiential activities, including visiting the Port of LA, working intensively in the SUrF,garden, Skyping with the nationally recognized organic farmer and “digital …

DigLibArts Sponsors annual High Tech Happy Hour

DigLibArts Sponsors annual High Tech Happy Hour! In December, faculty and staff enjoyed an evening at the top of the Science and Learning Center hosted by DigLibArts. The event featured ongoing projects by the DigLibArts “pllars.” These faculty are pursuing varied projects involving digital archiving, wellness, domain developing, digital storytelling and worldbuilding, and open source …

11/12 Digital Pedagogy and Scholarship Symposium

Dig Lib Arts hosted a livestream digital symposium with our partners at the Digital Scholarship and Curriculum Center (DSCC) at Connecticut College (ConnColl) at the Garrett House. The keynote speakers was Nicholas Bauch, PhD, who published the first project in Stanford University Press’s digital scholarship publication series. His born-digital project, Enchanting the Desert (May 2016) integrates his scholarship on the Grand Canyon with …

Dig Lib Arts Hosting “Digital Indigenous Mapping” Event on 11/1

Dig Lib Arts is co-hosting with the Department of History a major “Indigenous Mapping and the Digital Humanities” event on 11/1. The event will feature the work of cutting edge digital scholarship revolving around mapping Indigenous spaces. The projects featured include MAPPING INDIGENOUS LA and a new NEH “Indigenous American Cultures Mapping Project.”   Speakers include: Dr. …

DLA-sponsored “California Grown” Coffee-Avocado Project Trailer

Through the generous support of a DLA “community learning” grant, faculty involved in the “California Grown” project have produced a short trailer documenting one of the largest offee-avocado sustainable orchards: Mraz Ranch.  The trailer will be part of a larger documentary on this new agricultural “California Gold Rush.” Check out the trailer HERE!  

Dig Lib Arts Co-Sponsoring Upcoming “Whittier History Orchard” Talk

DLA is co-sponsoring a day-long visit by the renown avocado grower and agricultural preservationist Scott Murray (https://berrygoodfood.org/team/scott-a-murray/) on October 10th, 2018. With over four decades of farming experience, Murray is involved in several innovative coffee-avocado intercropping projects. His method of farming combines agrarian philosophy with what he calls “microchip farming.” Utilizing tech and historic sustainable growing …

Dig Lib Arts and the Integrated Arts and Humanities Program

This August, project leaders from DLA took part in a new “Integrated Arts and Humanities” Collaboration with Connecticut College (ConColl). The partnership, a Mellon-funded initiative, includes exploring the ways that both institutions can create new programs, curricula, and collaborations that strengthen the core mission of the humanities. DLA will support several of these new initiatives as they …

Dig Lib Arts Projects featured at Pacific Coast Branch-American Historical Association

Two Dig Lib Arts projects “California’s Golden State Brew” and the “Open Gärden” App  were recently featured at the 111th Annual Pacific Coast Branch-American Historical Association Conference in Santa Clara, CA! Check out the program: https://www.pcb-aha.org/annual-meetings/111th-annual-meeting-2018 The panel focused on “Applied Histories and Digital Humanities” DigLibArts Project Lead, Natale Zappia, served as Chair and Commentator for …