Slides from Council of Independent Colleges, Consortium on Digital Resources
/in BLOG, RESEARCH & TALKS, Syndicated /by Andrea RehnI had a wonderful time presenting tonight at the opening dinner for the Consortium. (My first keynote. So glad it’s over, and that you all kindly laughed at the jokes.) Thanks so much to Susan Barnes Whyte for the invitation, and to Richard Ekman for the opportunity. Here are my slides. Please get in touch if you have any questions.… Read more →
Why Tweet at Conferences?
/in BLOG, presentations, RESEARCH & TALKS, slides, Syndicated, twitter /by Andrea RehnIn January, I was invited by AACU to offer a brief, TED-style talk about how and why to Tweet from the annual meeting. The talk was great fun, as Twitter has radically changed my conference experience over the past years. Let me begin by acknowledging that I am an introvert. I like people, but I’m shy, and I get exhausted… Read more →
Perforating #aacu16 Annual Meeting
/in conference, RESEARCH & TALKS, slides, Syndicated /by Andrea RehnLast month (during the epic Snowzilla), Maha Bali, Christina Hendricks, Janine DeBaise, and I presented a talk at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting (#aacu16). Maha and I spoke (Maha via Google Hangout) and Christina and Janine contributed writing and ideas in advance. Maha has also recently mentioned the talk in an article for CHE’s Profhacker blog.… Read more →
Digital Commons
/in BLOG, digital commons, internet, RESEARCH & TALKS, slides, Syndicated, web 2.0 /by Andrea RehnRecently, I gave a last minute invited lecture in Dave Bourgaise’s “Tragedy of the Commons” course. The course (sounds like a great one!) is a liberal education course that examines a the concept of the shared communal commons using both scientific and cultural analysis. My lecture introduced the third unit of the of the course, the “Digital Commons.” Here are my slides. Read more →
Learning Just in Time (and not a moment sooner)
/in BLOG, digital humanities, pedagogy, RESEARCH & TALKS, social media, Syndicated, Teaching /by Andrea RehnA Short History of (my) Networked Scholarship The title of this blog post could also be “how to embed a Google slideshow into a WordPress blog,” since that’s what the images embedded below teach. But I also thought I’d write about searching for WordPress tricks, since so many of us are using WordPress (and other platforms) in our teaching, research, and personal… Read more →
#dLRN15: Collaboration as Praxis
/in BLOG, digital pedagogy, games, presentations, RESEARCH & TALKS, Syndicated, Virtually Connecting /by Andrea RehnIn mid-October, I got to attend and present at the awesome #dLRN15 held at Stanford. The conference brought together many friends in the fields of education technology, digital humanities, and academic computing. Some of these are new friends, some long standing, and some friendships existed largely online or via Twitter before the conference. It was a blast to connect with so… Read more →