Whittier Scholars is going digital

I’m excited that the Whittier Scholars Program here at Whittier College has just launched the beta version (or maybe alpha…) of our new ePortfolio system! This digital hub for Whittier Scholars will be rolled out over the next two years. Currently, the site is only accessible to students enrolled in the second course in the Whittier Scholars program, WSP 201*, but… Read more →

“Inglorious Bloggers” are glorious students

This semester I taught WSP101 a second time. This time, like last time, much of the work students did was public: they blogged on Medium.com, they posted to the class hashtag on Twitter, and we read and commented on each others’ posts as a way toward peer-to-peer learning about both digital writing and about whatever the individual person’s interests might… Read more →