Hi Tech Happy Hour on May Day

Fall 2017

This fall, I am teaching:

ENG 110: Exploring Literature through Conspiracy Theories 

ENG 370: Contemporary American Fiction & Culture 

ENG 202: Beginning Creative Writing 

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone, and to introducing you to all of these amazing books. See you in class.

Event: Fall Pedagogy Lab: (Re)Orientation, Tuesday, August 29th

Welcome back! This fall, DigLibArts, Wardman Library, and the Associate Dean for Faculty Development invite you all to join us for our Pedagogy Lab: (Re)Orientation, which will be in the DigLibArts Collaboratory on the main floor of Wardman Library, Tuesday, August 29th, 8:30am – 1:00pm, followed by a lunch in Dezember House. This year’s DigLibArts …

MADLAB: The Evolution of the Technology Commons

The commons has been an important ideal for libraries and colleges for a long time: a collaborative, multi-department resource that is open to all members of a community. In academic libraries that ideal generally takes physical shape as a learning commons, which brings together information, resources, and professionals to facilitate scholarship and learning. What does …

News: DH Tools Across Disciplines, Anne at Santa Clara University

Cross-posted from anitaconchita.org This past week, I had the pleasure of leading a workshop on using “Digital Humanities Tools Across Disciplines” at Santa Clara University to their newly formed Center for Arts and Humanities faculty working group in digital humanities and their library. Many thanks to Michelle Burnham and Amy Lueck for the invitation and …

Digital Storytelling Learning Communities

Digital Storytelling is about community.  We tell stories to transfer knowledge, to make sense of experience and to teach values. Stories address the listener as a human being, not as a member of a class or society.  Stories are told with the anticipation to connect to others. Digital Storytelling is simply, a way to tell …

DigLibArts 2020: “Only Connect”

Ubiquitous technology challenges us to ponder and practice the values that motivate us as individuals and unite us as a community. Digital technology can isolate us. With headphones in place, screens held up to our eyes, and thoughts far away from the present moment, we can ignore the person sitting next to us. Focused on recording a …

Blood of the Tiger – Oct 18 – 6pm Villalobos

mills-poster-finalBlood of the Tiger
J.A. Mills

Tuesday, October 18

Villalobos Hall – 6PM to 7:30PM

Come teach with DigLibArts

Call for Applications Whittier College’s Digital Liberal Arts Program invites applications for adjunct instructors to teach one or both of two new introductory courses in game design and web design starting in Spring 2017, with opportunities for renewal. These media studies courses are offered within the context of a liberal arts program, and allow for …