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Internet Safety or as we say around Whittier: Seguridad en Internet

This semester I am once again partnering with Stephanie Carmona who is the community education and parent initiative coordinator for the Whittier College Fifth Dimension program at the Boys & Girls Club of Whittier. Together we are preparing a series of classes for parents and this Monday, February 8 from 9:30am to 10:30am we will talk about...

Storytelling, Creativity, and Learn By Doing

Why do we tell stories?  “To transfer knowledge” replied a student in the Anthro 211 course as he read off one of my slides.  Yes, but thinking creatively, how can we make information transfer more story-based I asked?  Crickets.  I find that teaching information is more engaging when you invite the audience in with a...

The Story in Digital Storytelling (and other digital projects)

  Storytelling in Digital Storytelling from soniachaidez I’ve noticed that most if not all of the digital projects that I’ve worked on have one thing in common–there is a story, a narrative that runs through each one.  The story, not the technology behind the digital project is what brings initial interest to audiences. This has...

About Me

I am the Instructional Media Designer and co-coordinator for the Digital Liberal Arts Program at Whittier College.  My focus is to build programs and projects that blend pedagogy with digital technologies.  I teach digital storytelling as a pedagogical tool to engage students in higher order thinking, deep learning, and to build digital literacy skills. My teaching and […]