In English Newsletter Fall 2018

Interested in courses in English, Creative Writing, Journalism, and Media? Please read our newsletter to discover the ones that are just right for you! English News Vol. 19, #1 October, 2018

Dig Lib Arts Hosting “Digital Indigenous Mapping” Event on 11/1

Dig Lib Arts is co-hosting with the Department of History a major “Indigenous Mapping and the Digital Humanities” event on 11/1. The event will feature the work of cutting edge digital scholarship revolving around mapping Indigenous spaces. The projects featured include MAPPING INDIGENOUS LA and a new NEH “Indigenous American Cultures Mapping Project.”   Speakers include: Dr. …

Reserve a tech-rich teaching or working space

DLA-sponsored “California Grown” Coffee-Avocado Project Trailer

Through the generous support of a DLA “community learning” grant, faculty involved in the “California Grown” project have produced a short trailer documenting one of the largest offee-avocado sustainable orchards: Mraz Ranch.  The trailer will be part of a larger documentary on this new agricultural “California Gold Rush.” Check out the trailer HERE!  

Dig Lib Arts Co-Sponsoring Upcoming “Whittier History Orchard” Talk

DLA is co-sponsoring a day-long visit by the renown avocado grower and agricultural preservationist Scott Murray ( on October 10th, 2018. With over four decades of farming experience, Murray is involved in several innovative coffee-avocado intercropping projects. His method of farming combines agrarian philosophy with what he calls “microchip farming.” Utilizing tech and historic sustainable growing …

Digital Storytelling in Digital Humanities?

This past summer I taught a workshop for DH@Guelph titled, “Digital Storytelling for Humanists.”  It was a course similar to one I had helped teach the year before at DH@CC, the Claremont College’s Digital Humanities Summer Institute. Both workshops were made up of faculty and grad students who wanted to incorporate digital storytelling into their research or teaching practices.  We spent nearly a week together, not only learning about tools and editing software but fully engaged in the process of creating a digital story.  Of course, the highlight of every digital storytelling workshop is showcasing each person’s story.  Some written as personal narratives and others as digital essays but we all learned more about each other, our work, our connections.  And, because this was a professional development opportunity, all had a deliverable. 

In late June I attended the Digital Humanities 2018 Conference held in Mexico City.  I was chatting with a new friend who was presenting his poster on digital storytelling from Houston Community College. It was then that the question was asked by a visitor, how does digital storytelling fit in with digital humanities?  My answer went something like this:

Digital storytelling shares the ethos of the digital humanities: the willingness to collaborate, to experiment, to share, to fail, to be transparent, to iterate, and to make public. Digital storytelling like DH is modular in its ability to remix and alter the format to fit different disciplines.  Digital storytelling is less about expertise and making expert knowledge public or leveraging open data for research and more about centering teaching and learning experiences. As a field of study, the humanities focus on the cultural record of human experience and the preservation of this knowledge- in many ways recorded through stories.  In this fashion, digital storytelling provides new opportunities for humanities scholarship and teaching. 

Poster presentation on digital storytelling by Rubèn Duràn from Houston Community College at the
2018 Digital Humanities Conference in Mexico City. 

Digital storytelling is simply using computer-based tools to tell stories. These can include pocket documentaries (using mobile devices to capture moving images), digital essays, mapped memoirs (embedded digital stories on a map), interactive storytelling (gaming) and even podcasts.  They involve sharing the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including graphics, audio, video, and web publishing.

I teach digital storytelling because I believe it leads to transformative learning experiences.  There is also much potential in expanding digital humanities perspectives, research, and scholarship.  In his article, Digital storytelling: New opportunities for humanities scholarship and pedagogy  John Barber states: 

“If we grant that humanities scholarship and pedagogy may be grounded in stories of human cultural and creative endeavors, then the use of digital media to help create and share such stories may help engage academic research with creative practice to promote critical thinking, communication, digital literacy, and civic engagement.”

Perhaps an affordance that digital storytelling has over other digital humanities practice is that it is relatively low-tech and anyone can do it because everyone has a story to tell.  

Check out some of the digital stories created at DH@Guelph Summer Workshop:
“Digital Storytelling for Humanists.”

Dig Lib Arts and the Integrated Arts and Humanities Program

This August, project leaders from DLA took part in a new “Integrated Arts and Humanities” Collaboration with Connecticut College (ConColl). The partnership, a Mellon-funded initiative, includes exploring the ways that both institutions can create new programs, curricula, and collaborations that strengthen the core mission of the humanities. DLA will support several of these new initiatives as they …

Dig Lib Arts Projects featured at Pacific Coast Branch-American Historical Association

Two Dig Lib Arts projects “California’s Golden State Brew” and the “Open Gärden” App  were recently featured at the 111th Annual Pacific Coast Branch-American Historical Association Conference in Santa Clara, CA! Check out the program: The panel focused on “Applied Histories and Digital Humanities” DigLibArts Project Lead, Natale Zappia, served as Chair and Commentator for …

California’s Golden State Brew: A New “Learning Community” Project Supported by DigLibArts

Dig Lib Arts has launched a new Leaning Community Project, “California’s Golden State Brew: Sustainable Coffee-Avocado Production in Southern California.” Led by faculty from the departments of Environmental Science, Theater and Communication Arts, and History, this multi-media interdisciplinary project aims to weave complex multi-layered narratives—agricultural, ecological, cultural, and historical—that have collided in what may be the …

It’s Been a Minute: A Whirlwind Year of Major Life Changes

Welp, it’s been over a year since I last posted to this site. The world is a trash fire and everything is awful, but I’m doing fairly well, considering. It’s not like I’m worried about national and international crises, or that my family and I could be denaturalized or anything. Right? Right?! Anyway… The last ...